Monday, December 29, 2008


So I am not too far behind in blogging about christmas. It's not even the new year yet. So here are a few pics of Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. Christmas Eve my parents have a party for all of us. We all look forward to it since the food is so good and we get to spend time together. Christmas morning was a blast, the kids had so much fun this year. It is alot of fun now that they are older. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

2 Year olds!!!! Need I say more.

Oh my!!!!! Ella is so much different than Talin was when he was 2. She has a mind of her own and wants to do what she WANTS to do when she wants to do it. Her newest thing to say is "Me do whatever me want to". UUUGGGGHHHH!!!! She can be such a sweet girl and very loving but she certainly has her own agenda. You always worry that your kid is going to be the kid that everyone talks about, because they are so bratty. I am hoping this too will pass. I guess we will see.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Sweet Boy

I just had to share some of the recent conversations with my son. He is such a sweet and hearfelt kid. Even at the young age of 5.

He was going to spend the night at his friend Cole's house. (Cole is the son of my BF from high school). I think he could tell that I was having a bit of a hard time with him leaving since he was going to be gone from Friday afternoon until Sunday morning. He proceeded to come up to me put his arms around my neck and look me right in the face and say - " I will really miss you Mom".

I missed him terribly but he had such a good time. :o)

Last Thursday when I dropped him off at my Mom's for the day. He stuck a little snack size Twix in my pocket and said - " This is for you Mama, just in case you get hungry". He is so stinkin' cute!!!

Last but not least. Talin and I were hanging out and he looked at me and told me, you are so pretty Mama.

Could I ask for anything more.........Probably not.

Monday, October 13, 2008

My Princess

Here they are!!!! Ella's 2 year old pics. I know, they are a little late. They sure turned out cute. Ella has a personality all her own. My family says the pouty face picture looks just like me. :) Not quite sure what that means, but I'll take it. She is so CUTE!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Shopping and Water fun!!!!

Ashlee, me and the kids went to the gateway for some lunch, shopping and water fun. You can see we all had a good time, especially the kids. It was a beautiful day and the kids got soaked. So Talin and Ella rode home in the car in their underwear. Yes, I forgot to bring a change of clothes. Ashlee was much more prepared and brought Makella clothes to change into. :o)

We should definately make this a weekly occurrence.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Gracie!!!! The newest addition to the Jaeger family

This is Gracie - She is the newest member of the Jaeger family. She was born on April 18th. Todd and Lindsay (Sean's brother and sister-in-law) are going to adopt Gracie as soon as they can get the go ahead. Gracie is a sweet baby and full of life. Unforunately Gracie was born addicted to drugs, but is now healthy and strong. We are so glad that she is a part of our family.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's official!!!!

Ella is totally potty trained. I am so excited. No more diapers. I am so proud of her. She is only two but acts like she is 8. It is so fun to see her accomplish new things. She is truly my angel. Ellie, mommy is so proud of you!!! It is off to Walmart to pick out a prize.
First day of Kindergarten

Sorry I am a little late with this....but the first day of school was a little sad. Though it isn't much different than preschool. Talin only goes for 3 hours a day. But he woke at 6am on Tuesday, Sept 2nd and got himself dressed and sat on my bed with backpack in hand asking if we could go to school yet. He was so excited. Come 8:30am I walked him into his classroom and found his seat. I gave him a kiss and off Sean and me went to the "Boo hoo" or "Whoo hoo" breakfast (depending on how you felt about your kid going to kindergarten). It was a really good breakfast and we got to meet alot of the parents. It was really nice. I picked him back up at 12:05pm and Talin told me when he got in the car that it was one of the "best days ever". I was so happy. He is so cute. I will post his kindergarten pictures as soon as I figure out how to download the pictures.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hip hip Hooray!!!!

My little girl went potty on her own twice this last week. And she is not even two yet. I am so proud of her. She is my little go getter. And her brother is her biggest fan. It was so cute when she came and told us she went pee in the potty. Sean picked her up and danced around the house singing "Ella went pee in the potty". Ella just smiled and laughed. I just hope she continues to think it is a cool thing.

Talin has started soccer and he is the star. He has learned to dribble the ball and stop the ball with his foot. All his teammates are pretty young so they haven't quite grasped the concept of not picking up the ball with their hands and staying on the field the whole quarter. It is so fun to watch though. I will have to post some pictures of him in action.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I am a slacker!!!

I have decided I need to be better about writing. Life just gets so crazy. The semester is coming to an end. Yeah!!!!! My last final is on Monday. Then I have a few weeks off. Talin has started soccer and he is very excited. Though he made a comment that just made me laugh. He said, "Mom....since I will have girls on my team I don't think we are going to win. Oh how early they learn. I will post some pics as soon as Sean gets them down loaded.

Ella is talking like she is an adult. And she certainly thinks she is too. Talin and her get along pretty well, but they have their moments. Talin doesn't realize that he needs to play what she likes too.

I will post some new pics soon.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Well....I haven't been able to find the time to write anything new. We had a wonderful and busy Christmas. The kids had a great time. I will have to post some pictures soon. But I am glad the holidays are over. We just took down our tree the other day so things are now back to normal.

After three weeks off for the holidays, I am back in school and keeping busy. I just can't wait for it to be over and to start doing something I love and be able to stay home with the kids during the day.

Talin and Ella are growing up way too fast. Ella is starting to say all kinds of things. And she is so curious about everything. Talin loves school and his teacher, Miss Alyssa. He has made alot of new friends and has learned so much. He will be going to kindergarten this year. I think I will shed a few tears on his first day. But for now I will still enjoy him being a "toddler".