Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Shopping and Water fun!!!!

Ashlee, me and the kids went to the gateway for some lunch, shopping and water fun. You can see we all had a good time, especially the kids. It was a beautiful day and the kids got soaked. So Talin and Ella rode home in the car in their underwear. Yes, I forgot to bring a change of clothes. Ashlee was much more prepared and brought Makella clothes to change into. :o)

We should definately make this a weekly occurrence.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Gracie!!!! The newest addition to the Jaeger family

This is Gracie - She is the newest member of the Jaeger family. She was born on April 18th. Todd and Lindsay (Sean's brother and sister-in-law) are going to adopt Gracie as soon as they can get the go ahead. Gracie is a sweet baby and full of life. Unforunately Gracie was born addicted to drugs, but is now healthy and strong. We are so glad that she is a part of our family.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's official!!!!

Ella is totally potty trained. I am so excited. No more diapers. I am so proud of her. She is only two but acts like she is 8. It is so fun to see her accomplish new things. She is truly my angel. Ellie, mommy is so proud of you!!! It is off to Walmart to pick out a prize.
First day of Kindergarten

Sorry I am a little late with this....but the first day of school was a little sad. Though it isn't much different than preschool. Talin only goes for 3 hours a day. But he woke at 6am on Tuesday, Sept 2nd and got himself dressed and sat on my bed with backpack in hand asking if we could go to school yet. He was so excited. Come 8:30am I walked him into his classroom and found his seat. I gave him a kiss and off Sean and me went to the "Boo hoo" or "Whoo hoo" breakfast (depending on how you felt about your kid going to kindergarten). It was a really good breakfast and we got to meet alot of the parents. It was really nice. I picked him back up at 12:05pm and Talin told me when he got in the car that it was one of the "best days ever". I was so happy. He is so cute. I will post his kindergarten pictures as soon as I figure out how to download the pictures.